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Here's a little secret for you guys: The votes aren't just there to decide this week's winner. The votes also help me gauge the general breakdown of what the patrons want. I want everybody to get what they want, at least sometimes.

The majority of you seem to want girl on girl action but there's a significant minority that craves more... Manly scenes.

We're doing that this time around! The winner of this week's vote will be a star in an one-off NSFW comic that will focus on some sort of man on man gay encounter. Specifics to be determined in a vote next week.

Here's the contestants:

A) Corrupted Thief 

B) Lance of Joy 

C) Spire Guard 

D) Merchant Heir 

This vote ends on the 1st of November

Multiple choice enabled [if it doesn't work on mobile, try it on desktop]


Shawn K. Younkin

Corrupted thief just begs to be dominated.


Every time I see Spire Guard on the list, I just can’t get past is Cotton Hill legs.


Spire guard deserves more love 💔