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This comic took way too long to make because I went overboard. I'll be making them significantly shorter in the future. I am really bad at stopping myself from going too far it seems.

Dropbox page 1 [alternative link]

Dropbox page 2 [alternative link]

Newgrounds page 1

Newgrounds page 2

More info about Ker and [Interfaces]

Anyway, the third GrimLewd winner is Ker Rotraud. A very nice lady with heaps of empathy for humans. All sorts of empathy! Her vote set her down the:

C)Path of the Mana Breeder
Over centuries Ker developed a... novel way of feeding the fortress mana it needs to grow. She discovered that sentients kept in a near constant state of orgasmic bliss generate all sorts of interesting mana affinities beneficial to the fortress.

In the last couple of decades Ker experimented a lot with putting willing sentients into her custom designed pleasure stations... Where she personally makes sure that they are thoroughly satisfied at all times, with her body and her tentacles.

Ker earns a [Mana Breeder] secret class.

Going forward Ker's story will focus on developing her new class [mana breeder]. And by extension interacting a lot more with people. She needs that.

For the purpose of the comic I had to change the [domestic interface] lore a little bit. Instead of being not allowed to take additional [paths] they are now completely incapable of doing it. With the exception of secret paths, of course.




Okay, so I’m not the only one for whom the Dropbox link is blank.


girl is going to tear through the world to understand the secrets of the universe, and go mad when she finds out she lives in a porn game


Restating that the Dropbox links don’t work and the Newgrounds pages are low-res.


Dropbox links are working for me, and loving this idea for her :D


I love the touch of the fortress growing and growing around them as the days go on. That means is clearly seeing good use! 🤭

Wild Bill

Oh yes, girls being locked into constant orgasm and milked for mana? Yes, that is really hot!

Ignacio Segura Montero

I have yo say I love those two final beats of Ker just being so proud of being able to do so something of herself outside of all the constraints forced upon her only to realize she’s actually still within those constraints and still working within them. I can’t wait to see that explored as her story goes along.