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I went to my parents home for the holiday. It was nice to eat some delicious foods.

Since I'm back home now, I'll get ready for my October drawings. 

There's a consolation match this month.  I can't wait to see which character will be the luckiest.  I'll try hard to draw my best this month too! 



Hope your holiday was nice and thank you for the good work!


Thank you for your support this month, too! I'll do my best! XD


Hope you had a good time with your parents ;D


Which holiday were you celebrating? I don't know of any that occur at the end of September. But I'm not really aware of most holidays in other countries besides the US.


There was a Korean thanksgiving day. There is about three days of holiday. I visit my hometown and eat delicious food. :D


Glad you enjoyed yourself! :) Always happy to support you. I haven’t commented lately, but all of your latest works have been great as always.


I'm very happy if you leave a comment, but don't feel too pressured. I'm just glad that you enjoy my work. Thank you always! :D