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Good afternoon everyone! It's finally time for the next set of sketches to drop! Ironically, there's far less unused sketches than there were last time, but I'm still interested in showing them off regardless!

Miraidon / Nidoking

There were two Patreon pieces in the last few months that I didn't have an idea to draw from. The first two images are sketches of me either warming up or coming up with poses. Fun fact: I intended for the Nidoking piece to have an entirely different pose but felt like the one lewd one that I drew was actually perfect.

Unused Commission Sketch

There was only really one time where I actually sketched out multiple pieces for some clients. Since it was DnD themed, I wanted to find a shot that felt very atmospheric towards the theme, an actual scene, which I don't really have the opportunity to do very often because I don't usually offer backgrounds unless I absolutely feel like it. I do wish I could get more pitches like that to be honest, but at the moment, I need to finish commissions at a fairly quick rate, which doesn't really allow me to sit around and experiment. If I could sit around and sketch backgrounds and various scenes for a good price, I'd absolutely love to do that. It isn't really in the cards though at the moment.

Various Self-Indulgent Art That I Felt Didn't Make the Cut

There isn't much to say about the last two images. The first one can be considered a follow up to the Giran page I did a while back, but I never returned to refine these sketches since I felt like they were a bit subpar. Who knows? Maybe I'll come back to that one at some point. As for the Jon Talbain one on the last image, I feel extremely nitpicky about the anatomy and shapes that I used here. I want to go back and fix those at some points, but it has been months. I'm just posting that one here in case I never come back to it.

Aside from other sketches that I've released publicly, that's all I have to offer from the last few months. I hope once again that y'all enjoyed looking through the sketches here!



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