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It's been quite a ride, I think most everyone can agree that this year has certainly been something. I'm not entirely sure what, but it's certainly been quite the time. I've changed a lot, will change. I guess you could call this a life update.

Well. If you're in the discord, you probably know, but the poll for what I would be working on project wise happened, and while it's been slow going, progress is happening. Right now I've mostly just been finishing up side projects and other art things I said I would do so they won't distract me. Best way to make sure what's on the front burner has enough space is to get everything off the backburner right? Though, in a sense, I'm also procrastinating from the hell I'm going to have to subject myself too for a few weeks. I'm going to be hard focusing on drawing backgrounds, so I'm going to be doing a lot of practice drawing and such for it. Which I don't normally do. It's going to be very different for me and I don't know if I'm going to handle it well. It's all worth it though. It's all for a good reason.

Also. It seems to be Biden's plan ain' happenin' at all for me, so I'm gonna have to work that out. Good news is, that new SAVE plan or whatever will keep me afloat, I'm still going to attempt to pay it back, but the slower I can do it the better. If things don't work out, I'mma have to open up commissions and put everything I want to do on the backburner until it's done and over with.

I might have to move soon as well, we're seeing about it. Who knows.

On the more GOOD side of things, I've started working out, sticking to mostly doing legs, hip and butt exercise. I'm sure we can all guess why. Yeah, it's so I'm far more ready for STREET FIGHTER BAY-BE. GOTTA BE IN THE BEST SHAPE OF MY GOD DAMN LIFE FO' THAT SWEET SWEET REACTION TIME. 

Also. I said I would run a SF6 tournament for everyone in my patreon, and I did in fact mean that. I'm probably gonna announce it for REAL REAL at the beginning of next month and have it be the last week in said month.  Prepare yourselves if you haven't already. Odds are, prize is gonna be a FREE ART PIECE of your character all decked out as the character you won as. Anyway. That's the update as it is so far. 

Oh, yeah. I started a Cohost account! It's honestly a really nice, tumblr like place, and I would recommend it if you're looking for that experience and also want lewd stuff too. I'm thinking of making an askblog of sorts there soon enough so. If you're interested come on by!

I also have an Itaku, if you didn't know. You can follow me there as well if you want. Man, keeping up with all this art shit's hard.

Finally. If for some reason. Somehow you don't have a link to the discord where I post things first and quickly... Here you go. A link to the discord. AGAIN. 


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