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So, if you've been paying attention to the announcements in Discord you more likely then not have seen that I got myself a new tablet stand to work with and it's been rather nice, all things considered. 

I haven't drawn much with it since I took the week off, but, honestly I did a little doodling with it and its far less intrusive in my art process then I thought it could be. Linework seems a touch harder with it, but everything has a learning curve, what's important is I can draw in a more relaxed position instead of being hunched over my desk. I will need to get a new desk however, the one I have sucks.

But, yeah, art will continue on Saturday. I'mma finish up that set of sticker ideas and some other stuff I either said I would do or wanted to complete and left half done. That shouldn't take too long I think. That said. If you could please fill out this survey I'd be very thankful! It'll help me figure out how I'm doing and where I should go from here.

Here is a link to that Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYpaCJZSC0-cvfHwFCgwdx32Y1JfMxm80ax-YxJBN1VHFaAg/viewform?usp=sf_link

Thanks for reading, and most importantly, thank you for being a patron. 


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