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Yes, I've gone and made another character of mine a non-pokemon. Much like with Yasmin there was little changes to the 'design' itself from her last version. As it turns out with many of my characters there isn't a whole lot that ties them down to being a pokemon other then the basic design being super good. For Yasmin that was very clearly the case, however, Landri here already had a bunch of changes to the base design of Zoroark so it was more so just... removing elements and bringing things to a sort of 'core' ethos.

Which, in turn, meant remembering my tumblr days at least a little fondly, and how the design was first made. It's interesting to think about the impetus for characters. What want or need birthed them. For me and Landri here it was because I wanted to do things with Bimbo characters on F-list, but every one I had seen at the time was... Substandard. My parents instilled in me the idea of 'being the change you want to see in the world' so I was like 'Fine, I'll do it myself'. This idea, funnily enough is also why a number of my characters are intersex as, once again, at the time I made them I wished to do things with those characters and the ones I could find didn't meet my standards.

Anyway, I had the idea for the character being a 'Kitchen Sink' of bimbo traits that I knew about. Lustful body, big lips, air-headed, etc. However, I was unsure what I should make back when getting started and as I was still deep into making pokemon characters  (And still am, but not like I used to be). Originally I thought of making them a Lopunny since, ya'know. Real simple, however I couldn't figure out how to make the hair work with the ears and was honestly stuck. Then, somehow, someway a pair of images appeared on my timeline, both were Zoroark's one showing a girl with a massive dick poking through her top and the other showing a chibi design with a 'bimbo zoroark' sort of look. It was as though the site itself was telling me 'choose this one you stupid idiot'. Zoroark had a built in mane and I could split it to make pig-tails and get the same silhouette... everything sort of just clicked into place. Platinum blonde mane showy clothing that was doing its best to cover her, heart-eyes and excessive make-up... It just worked.

In truth I didn't think much of their 'character' until I started playing them. I sort of assumed nobody would really care about so I figured I could just do whatever I wanted. 'Sci-Fi Pokemon from a weird space station where everyone is like her?' Sure. 'She's always hard and cumming at, like, all times?' Totes. 'Actually an internal investigator?' Best believe it. 'Has a somewhat interesting internal philosophy about hedonism?' MMhmm. I really thought no one would care and just look at her tits. Turns out, however, if you keep saying weird shit, people look up and start wondering what you're talking about. Which led me to basically having realized I had world-built an entire setting with brands, political concepts, places, and even NPCs and over a hundred years of background about the setting.

I then decided, I should honestly expand on all that, really lean into it and make characters for the world and setting, dig in and actually draw up locations.... and get away from having her be a pokemon since... in a sense that part is no longer part of what she is. So. I came up with a fox-like race and began work on learning how to paint a little better so I can use it for this and other projects I have on my plate.

So. With all of that out of the way. Uh. I guess I should introduce Landri, once again. She's not changed very much in terms of lore. Notably, she is now part of a race of 'fox-like' beings known as the 'Vix'sei'. Many would describe them as 'A little feral, but they have heart' due to their ability to switch between bipedal and quadraped depending at will along with the fact that when incredibly stressed they can take on atavistic tendencies. Another notable thing about them is their tendency to look very 'similar'. It turns out there isn't much variation in their genetic code from one to another so traits from one usually show up in others. However, this is not the case with fur color or pattern leading to it being very common for Vix'sei to tell each other apart by fur and wear outfits that let those designs shine through.

As for New Jeska, the place she's from, eh, give me a few months. I guess.

Also. Look at that painting I did of her, aaaah just waking up in the morning and she looks like trash but also looks really good, it's GREAT. I love it.



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