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You know what took forever for me to finish? This. This image. It wasn't like it demanded much from me in terms of techniques. Its just required a lot of minute detail and just plain figuring things out. Character placement, blocking...

It was a real stress test for me. Especially while doing patreon rewards. I'm glad to have finally got this done and take the weight off my shoulders... all that said I think this came out really well and I can't thank all my friends enough for commissioning me to make this with all our digimon characters. Digimon is a great series and more people should give a shot to getting into it. It's great and a good place to be endlessly creative. In any case, I'd like to thank them once more for commissioning me and apologize for taking so long.

Anyway. Behold. The Bandwidth Hazard Cafe, a nice little mid-floor joint in downtown Mega-Sever02-Test. A real nice place with a homey atmopshere and very roomy decor. There's a lot of leg space... and for very good reason considering the proprieter.

Anyway. From left to right we have:

Ayahm, the casually dressed Biyomon, owned by KyeraAngelus 

My character, a Lekismon (Decker Edition)

Gigabyte, the Guilmon with the 'most to love' stat owned by pseudofaux 

Aphrodite, in the sneaking suit owned by Artemis the Absol 

and Kaeli, who has taken on the roll of wearing the very showy bikini as a Morphomon owned by espinoth 



Artemis (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 09:16:34 Still super happy with how this turned out--thank you so much! <3
2022-01-25 04:29:09 Still super happy with how this turned out--thank you so much! <3

Still super happy with how this turned out--thank you so much! <3