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Ein and I are working on an OC that works at K-cups 

An Irish girl named Bailey, with red hair and alcoholic milk



Have her market her own "Irish Cream." Bent over and hiding her currently being milked breasts behind the counter as she sells the full bottles.


So there's this alcohol we sell at my store that came around jsut for this kinda holiday. It's Strawberry & Cream Bailey's booze. Everyone that's drank it thinks it's absolutely amazing, no complaints about it. Sweet? Check. Milk/Cream? Check. Alcoholic? Check. Could say she lactates that good good. https://www.lemontreedwelling.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Strawberry-Shortcake-Martini-4.jpg


Idk how I feel about strawberry and cream Bailey's


i meant like... i need an idea for a pose or scenario :O


First, there better be freckles. Scenarios... Two customers are arguing over what an Irish coffee really is. Is it Bailey's? Is it Jameson? Bailey comes over to settle the argument. She gives a squeeze to give them a taste "from the bottle", then they both agree that Bailey's Irish Coffee is the best coffee as she fills their cups. That's the scene in my mind. So the pose is standing kind of aggressively at a shorter table, putting her breasts at the patron's eye level. She's partially bent over, probably resting an hand on the table. Just what came to my mind.