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Yo everyone, I hope your Friday is going well. I have 4 Full Combo sketches to share with you today!

For this first batch we have an overfed & extra bloated Ryuko. All she can do is soothe her belly with rubs between feeding sessions. Second we have a very chunky Princess Daisy upset that she cannot enter the Summer Olympics, don't they know she's royalty? Third we have a naga OC with an entire village's food supply in her gut and still wanting more. Fourth and finally we have another OC having gone on an eating binge and unknowingly devoured other customers and staff in her blind gluttony.

Up next Tohru's sequence for Medium Soda patrons and above on Sunday the 13th





All hail the Ryuko belly


Poor Daisy! They were probably just afraid of her embarrassing the competition.

Matthew Purdy

Love seeing well-fed monster girls 😍. Thicc lamias remind me of anacondas


And one of these days, Mako and her mother will succeed in their goal at stuffing Ryuko until she bursts. Not like it's a big deal, she can't die unless her heart's crushed. Seriously though, it's astounding how good you make girls look when they're about to pop.


These are all awesome. Each of these characters looks amazing big! Fantastic work!