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Here's a little (or big) bonus piece of art! I finally got around to finishing this year's Halloween picture. I started this back in early October but didn't have the time to finish it until now. 

I really like the concept of Ember casually bossing Cinder around in her quest for free candy on Halloween. Not only that she's streaming her binge eating for her Twitch channel. How she was able to sneak up on Cinder is beyond me, perhaps she was doing some pilates or yoga? Either way she's in no position to argue, that is... if she can even hear what Ember's saying over her noisy stomach. 

Keep your eyes peeled for the winners of this month's poll, I'll have the results soon after the polls close.





I envy Cinder so much rn ☺️

Thomas Olson

You know, it never occurred to me till now, but what’s Ember like when she’s streaming? Is she kinda bossy and dominating like she is now with Cinder, or does she have a diff personality


I would think when Ember is streaming, she's tries to come off as in control but her viewers are constantly asking her to do things or distract her. She's kind of oblivious to their true intentions but can't complain to getting donations to eat on stream. She also falls asleep on stream due to extreme laziness and long gaming sessions.


That’s a stream I’d love to watch :3