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Hey Cuties, 

So wasn't able to do a boss anim at the end of the recent build because we only recently finalized the MC's new design, and have also been thinking about what kind of style those anims should be in. Will likely boil down to 2 things: 

1. High Density Pixels

2. Hand drawn Anime style, frame by frame. 

We could also do a twine like animation if we wanted to, but I prefer frame by frame when we can! Want to make sure these boss anims are extra special and a BIG reward ;D 

But also wanted to ask yall's feedback as well! With it being a pixel game, should we keep the pixel ascetic for the big animations? Or do it like we had with the first boss, and have a more hand drawn look? (That one will have to be redone with the new design either way, but let me know if you liked that look as well!) All feedback is always great, and looking forward to seeing these results! 

 - HP 



It would depend on the art style/artist that would be doing the hand drawn animation. Big Pixel Art seems safer.


Oh for sure! We've talked to a few animators about it before, but nothing set in stone yet. Did you like the one we did for the rival and MC in the first boss fight? I can go post it if you don't remember it. It was mostly a test for that idea and style


Would like to see examples of what you are trying to go for each.