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Hey Cuties, and happy Sunday Succubus Update, on an actual Sunday again! 

We are back in full swing of production, but just with a slightly shifted timeline now. The second area level design is 90% done, then need to implement a few extra things, and put in background sprites. Might get yall to play before the BG sprites go in to get some feedback, so be on the look out for that! ;)

On the art side, we've change our MC color's to be a bit more unique! What do you think? She will be able to stand out more in the different areas we have planned, and will help us create more diverse enemy styles. 

Such as what you see above! Little short stack dwarf girl with a big hammer.  Who doesn't like tiny women with big weapons! Wonder what she will do with something so big? ;) Be on the look out for more on her later!

Hope yall have a great day! 

 - HP 



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