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You heard that right Cuties!

New game, out NOW!

And you can get it RIGHT HERE!!

If you are a $5+ Patron, head on over to THIS POST to get your free key ;)

Hope you can enjoy ^_^

 - HP 




is there gonna be more scenes?

Weirdo Walter

the VA sounds like DTL


Not going to lie, Intoxicant was a very mediocre lewd game. Hey, the first person surprised me. I didn't expect someone to go above and beyond for such a small mechanic, and the drink mixing was nice as well. But that poor VA girl. She needs a new mic and some practice. She's definitely got the natural voice, and with some talent and some better writing she could easily be one of the greats, but the way it stands all I could think about is sound foam and not focus on the gorgeous pixel visuals.


Thanks for the awesome feedback, and we will deff make sure to go above and beyond next time!