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Hey Cuties!

I’ve been teasing it quite a bit now, and have been hard at work, but finally able to let you get your hands on it. Mac and PC builds are attached. 

This is a Proof of Concept (PoC) on what the next project COULD be. It’s a semi open world style RPG with some lewd spins in store ;)

And if that sounds like a lot, it’s because it is! Think of this PoC as the first building block for a much larger project, and have so SO much more already planned out.

Before we get in too deep, want your feedback! Mainly around the Combat would be great. Right now it’s a mix of FF7R and Xenoblade styles. But could be more action-y like a Genshin Impact or Tales game.

Here’s a taste of what else is on the roadmap:

  • Multiple characters with different fighting styles, kinks, and interconnecting factions.
  • Mix of Nature and City areas interconnected into a world focusing on exploration.
  • Vignette and episodic stories that will keep things personal ad Sexy!

Also will be looking for Character Designers and 3D modelers/animators to join the project, so if you know anyone interested send them our way!

More updates to come soon and let me know what kinda stuff you want to see next.

Kinky Survey results next week,

  • HP




Oh and I forgot to mention, but there are a number of known bugs in this build, but nothing game breaking. Either way, if you see something weird, let us know!


Combat is quite clunky at the moment and you can still target 'dead' enemies with E which I found when trying to press R causing you to swap targets. There also seems to be no way to escape combat, so say with having a fight in a high place and you fall down. You have no way of getting back up as you are stuck in combat mode. You've also said Left click instead of Right click to magnetize to buildings. Not a lot can be said about abilities and such yet due to it being a PoC, just that everything feels floaty and unimpactful right now. What if you went with a Yakuza style action combat, with their heat move system and 'random' battles. That way there would be a controlled space for the combat and potential use of the environment in the battle zone to use as well as the bonus of there being less chance to glitch out the AI.


You can press "G" to run away from a battle! I didn't mention that anywhere, as it might cause some bugs. I'll look into the dead enemies targeting thing. Got lots of ideas to spice up the combat, but didn't want to get too deep if we decide to change things up. What parts do you find clunky right now? All the anims are just sample anims to that's one thing that I know needs lots of cleaning up!


It's a bug. I can confirm the attacks have no range and you can "revive" the defeated combatants.