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so yeah. this was odd publishing time. Hope you like it. 

It's big events, happening now because, well. I didn't rush the story, but i did try to get to the twist because it is rather obvious that some people (a lot) are having current problems.   

and so we're here.   

if ya'll don't like this chapter, then i might need to go back to the drawing board. This was all planned and just needed to be written, which happened rather fast (i'm surprised it happened this fast, too).

anywho. there we go



why! no! the drama!


I will admit I was a little disappointed over the time skip since it seemed like a lot of important events happened without a recap of them all but this twist caught me off guard and I'm excited to see where it goes. It sounds like Mel is saying Eric's consciousness was thrown ten years into the future while his body was on autopilot? Or maybe a fourth wall meta thing where the "Eric" in question is actually the reader of the story coming back to read the story? Love the twist either way.