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Hey everyone! 

In the next few updates, the story will be completed.

I am not taking a break, but you're also not getting an update next week.

You'll (probably) still get the same number of words, but


and probably not the week after that, either. 

All those words will come out at once (maybe over a few days?) sometime in the middle of next month.

I've been working on this thing for a very long time and the ending is somewhat known, but as I'm writing it I see that putting it out there in a web-serial format would be highly detrimental to the actual tale. A lot of stuff is going to happen very fast, and the story beats will not fit a web serial format very well, and that stuff will have to stand the test of time, meaning that what happens now is what happens forever. This ending is the Ending, after all.

I want to make it the best ending possible.

Maybe you'll get the update in 3 weeks. 

Maybe I'll even ask for some beta readers before then. Not sure. 

There will be epilogues, too.



Will we ever get a chance at print copies?


Wow we are finally at the end huh? What an amazing journey this has been. I'll be waiting for how the story lands and excited to see this through!

Emily Gurnavage

Well, at least I dont need to try (and fail) to force myself to wait to let the final chapters build up lol. Sounds like a solid plan. Thanks for the heads up, I usually look forward to this during my busy work weekend to read on lunch and breaks and after work so knowing in advance its not coming at the usual time is appreciated.

James Skinner

Well that Saturday is going to go in the diary then. Yay! But also, nooooo....


Makes sense the ending is very important take what time you need very much looking forward to it tho! Good luck and happy writing!


yeah probably! i'll be doing something like that soon enough! sorry i can't tell you more


That’s ok it’s a dream come true. Literally my number one series


Man, do your thing, we trust you 👍


The 'Ending' oh no 💀 I'm glad you do it this way. Because I was planning to stockup chapters and read it in one go anyway.

Jake Martin

Arcs I love you man ty for everything take your time and end it how you see fit. I honestly can't wait for it to be done so you can revamp and publish it so I can binge it

John Anastacio

Don't mind waiting for a prepared and well considered story ending. Thanks for all the hard work Arcs.


AH good to know, I'm curious as to how things are going to end up. You said that you will be doing epilogues, will you also be doing side stories covering other Char POVs during the last arc? or will that be covered in the epilogues? Thanks for all the hard work and take as much time as you need.

Corwin Amber

Thank you for a wonderful story and I look forward to the final chapter(s) when they all come out soon.


I love that this story is ending with a bang!! I love the current arc that started with Yggdrasil's unsealing. It's been a great ride! Thanks man! Btw, are we gonna see spin-offs on Margleknot / Veird?


What is the total word count going to be? and Arcs do you have plans for what you'll write next?


4.4 million, i think? i have plans within plans but nothing set in stone right now


Any plans for next story? I may or may not be addicted...


Hi Arcs, subbed just to see the finale. it's been a long ride, thanks for writing!