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Someone asked if I could talk about Abby's origins, I think I may have posted about this before but I'll do another.

Abby was a character I made up as part of a game idea a long time ago, probably around 2004-2005 when this game called "Milo and the Rainbow Nasties" was in development (it never came out, but you can read more about it on unseen64 if you want https://www.unseen64.net/2009/07/31/milo-and-the-rainbow-nasties-xbox-ps2-gc-cancelled/). It was some kind of 3d platformer where the main character was a boy with a chameleon sidekick who could spray colors/paint. Not much information exists about it, the basic visual premise gave me an idea though. Battle Painters, a small desktop game I'd played before them also came to mind. This used to happen to me when I was younger, I'd get entire ideas for stories & characters just from seeing one singular thing (like a picture or something in nature) somewhere else, or one tiny detail that would come up in a conversation with friends that would lead to all sorts of other ideas.

The idea was for some kind of 3d platformer with a cute painter girl with a cute chameleon/lizard buddy who'd travel around a world where people's art and OCs come to life (similar to the show Chalkzone), fighting off some kind of invading/corrupting force. I figured she'd be able to use a bunch of paint based moves to traverse the environment and fight enemies, and her chameleon buddy would have some other purpose or ability like shooting colored energy beams. I wanted her outfit/costume to include overalls just because they're cute, they're appropriate for a painter, and I liked the idea of her chameleon riding in the front pocket. I thought of her as having a huge paintbrush just because having it large enough to work like a staff would look better and make for more interesting moves/posing than if it was a regular sized paintbrush. When I first modeled her I added a bandana because I just think they're cute. More recently I've toyed with the idea of her having a scaly/newsboy cap, which is a cute hat, and pins which would be a fun extra detail. So yes a lot of the details are just things that I think are cute or appealing.   

I don't really know what I could do with Abby at this point, I just want to make a more complete model of her.   




The feels are real here... I love to read these stories and what they mean to their creators!