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Here is his sculpted horsey donger! I've been putting detail into the sculpt all day :V

I will likely be using the high-poly subdiv levels to make a displacement map for the donger so that it looks more detailed in renders. That or a bump map, if I have to be a little lighter on my resource-usage. We will see!

The sheath is where I left off for tonight. I will be adding more detail to it tomorrow and improving its overall shape. I will also probably work a little more on the underside of the donger. Once this is finished I will finish off the remaining details of Scruffy's main geometry (he still needs feet-hooves, but the hands are about done for the initial sculpt) and retopologize everything so I can unwrap the UV's and start texturing/furring. >:3c



Kraven Lupei

Knock knock -> Who's there? -> Deer Dong (instead of Ding Dong). Thanks I'll take my comedy award now.