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Designed a new cover that I'll be using from now on! I'd like to make Eternal my main mascot and while I still love my other OCs too, I figured it's better to pick one to make it less chaotic. (he's not my fursona by any means, just my fave one atm)


- Include name and what fandom they are from (e.g. John Blacksad from Blacksad), you can write as many as you want!
- If there's a specific image you want me to use, include a link
- NO minors or feral creatures (anthrofied is ok)
- I don't choose based on how many upvotes it has, but rather on the design itself
- If your character was in a previous poll, they won't be picked again unless it's been at least 2 months
- Monthly poll piece is always NSFW, but if you'd like a SFW alt too, mention it

Ends 6th March 12AM CET



Jacket and Richard from Hotline Miami


- Rytlock Brimstone (Guild Wars 2) - Hank McCoy/Beast (X-Men), specifically this design: https://cdn.marvel.com/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/4/30/5926fe242d588/detail.jpg - Gintaro (Gingitsune) - Beast (Disney)