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While checking the files I noticed that the Tai comic sadly got corrupted, so I found an earlier version that has just the 2 pages finished, really sorry about that! I hope the rest works just fine.

(Also above is a WIP I'm hoping to finish next month. It'll be 7 pics featuring Commander Lethanak and his soldiers)




if you're viewing them in photoshop, you need to make a new layer at the very bottom and fill it with white, otherwise they'll look transparent. I'm using SAI, but saving it as .psd saves a LOT of space. sorry for the inconvenience!




Man, sucks you lost some work. What you have still looks really good tho


oh I'm talking about the Tai Lung one that got released this month. the PSDs don't really matter after it's finished, but it sucks for people who wanted to see the process. The WIP above is luckily saved