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I thought I'd post a little teaser I've been working on today (but sadly won't finish this month as there's about... 30 mins left), it'll be a mini comic page and the sketch was already posted in the Discord server if you wanna check it out! 

Anyways I feel like I've been more productive this month, despite the little absence first week. Hopefully next month will be even better! And as always thank you so much for the support! It really motivates me to make more art and share it with y'all.




if you're viewing them in photoshop, you need to make a new layer at the very bottom and fill it with white, otherwise they'll look transparent. I'm using SAI, but saving it as .psd saves a LOT of space. sorry for the inconvenience!

(also let me know if some are missing or not functioning properly)




It is great to hear that you have been feeling productive! Your hard work is always appreciated and awesome to see. 🍻