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i spent all day drawing and i'm exhausted so i hope you'll excuse me if i don't write anything pic related here orz. i just wanted to draw something self-indulgent with these two.

alts will be uploaded soon for lava lamp+ tier




My favorite ship, you could even say this could be canon. :3


i very much hope so but it also would be pretty messed up because of the ending lol


El dibujo está sensacional, compadre. Me encariñé mucho con Dunn durante la historia con todo y que no era jugable. No estaría mal que hicieran un DLC con algunos personajes, entre ellos Dunn.


Thanks! I'm glad there's people who like Dunn, he's very cute and wholesome. I wish the game had DLCs 😭 I would love to see more of him.