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haven't posted a SFW piece in a while and this was definitely a nice break from lewd stuff. there are some vague implications that Dunn and Thorpe might've been more than close friends, such as Thorpe moving in and helping Dunn raise Sonia or her mentioning they "loved each other like brothers". anyways, while the developers probably made them just good friends, i still like to think they were something more but kept it secret.

i was gonna do another piece with just Dunn and Thorpe, but this took longer than i thought so maybe another day. hope you still like it despite it not being NSFW :)




it doesn't always have to be NSFW, it's also very nice to see pictures without sexual content!


Awww, this is wholesome!


This is so heartwarming! You made this family photograph look truly peaceful and comforting. This is the best kind of sfw art! 😊