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So as you might know, one of my goals was if we reach a certain amount I'd start doing animations. And it's been reached for a few days now thanks to all of you! ...unfortunately it's not as simple as it sounds. Since I have very little experience with animating, I'd have to learn the basics, ALSO learn CSP (hell program for me), and with the schedule I have this month I'm afraid I'd overstress myself and get an art block. Which I'd like to avoid as much as possible. Animation is still something I'd love to get into, but I'd need some time to practice without feeling like I HAVE to make something decent to share.

Instead of that, I could start livestreaming again for patrons only this time. Not sure what tier yet, but it'd be like 2-3 times a month. If anyone would be interested, please let me know by either liking this post or replying c: and if someone got any other suggestion feel free to tell!



As long as you put yourself first!


Art streams could be nice. You could also stream yourself learning to animate, I'm sure people would be interested in that as well. But only if it's something you're comfortable with.


pretty sure most of the time i'd have no idea what i'm doing and also CSP's UI is confusing as hell and i'd rather not bore/annoy people


Personally I say wait until you feel comfortable animating to start.


If animation really is a big passion project you wish to pursue, then take it on, bit by bit, until you do not feel intimidated or overwhelmed by it’s structure. It is easy to bite off more than you can chew when you start any task you’ve been looking forward to, so do not feel obligated to rush the learning process just to please anyone else! ☺️