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hey everyone! i usually make character suggestions on the second day, as some payments are still being processed, but i still owe sai files from last month and don't feel like making another post tomorrow so i'm combining them c:

sai files: https://bit.ly/3at3tBp

i'm happy most of you agreed with bull characters, so if you know any please go ahead and write them! i don't know many bulls myself and i'd love to see them all. i'm also ok with cows btw

Ends 6th February 0:00 CET



asterius!! he is best bull


chef Bogo


(Also! the SAI files need a decryption key) -Big Bull is kind of the obvious suggestion. -The Tauren marine from the SC2 april fools' promo image, the one with a certain "Not Milk" carapace 👀 -A baron of hell/hellknight from DOOM, both the original and 2016 designs are very alluring~~ -Devion! Or R4VEN in a cow print bikini~


Champ from Uchu Sentai Kyuranger has to be my main suggestion. Devion. Big Bull. Gyumao from Housamo. And toss just a generic Minotaur in why not.


Big Bull is my pick


Asterius or a Baron of hell