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oof alright there's a lot i wanna say but to keep it short. very sorry to people who signed up for robots/furries but end up getting this instead asdgf i promise i will start drawing other stuff soon. i had a lot of fun drawing the versions altho they're very time consuming (also added a scrapped sketch as a bonus)

winner of the poll will be drawn as soon as i finish remaining ko-fi busts and patreon sketches, which should be in 2 weeks approx.

lots of love and stay safe!




I can't speak for everyone but I'm very ok with this 👀


Idk about others here but I don't expect you to draw only certain things, i've enjoyed you drawing all stuff from DOTA to Anarchy reigns even tho I know neither of these games at all! I'm just here cause your art is awesome! 💕


DAMN very nice!!!!


sooo good!~


I'm happy that you can draw self-indulgent stuff, I just enjoy your art