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With 58 votes, Gang Orca won this month's poll! Punk Croc was a runner-up with 39 votes, meaning he gets a patron-only sketch.

Comment your ideas below! As always I'm fine with pretty much anything except weird fetishes and the usual (noncon, no minors, no incest). If there's a specific pose, feel free to link it!

A reminder that if you haven't switched to the new/updated tiers, please do so here!




Gang Orca chained to the wall by villains! (possible alts that strip him down until he’s nude) Or maybe he’s at the beach relaxing in the sand, very tasteful nude (but still hard, humanoid cock and alt cock perhaps)


I'd love to see Punk Croc chilling in his pool in the FK level, maybe looking all cocky and confident with his dick out!