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With this drawing, we've finally reached Damsel Yearbook entry #200!

As I hinted previously, this is a damsel from my childhood. Although DID was pretty ubiquitous in media at the time, I can say with certainty that the first DID scene I ever saw in a video game was in Jazz Jackrabbit, where Eva Earlong, the princess of Planet Carrotus, is kidnapped and held captive throughout the entire game. There really can't be a better fit for the occasion (unless someone can give me the means to go back in time and figure out for certain what my first DID scene on TV was).

Of course, I don't draw furry stuff much and Jazz's art style is a little unorthodox--it doesn't help that she barely features in the second game. But I think I managed to do something that looks enough like the source material and still fits within my style!




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