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Of course, with my incredible luck, as soon as I say "Hey, I'm back from my short health break", I get really sick.

With COVID. Yup, after all this time, despite the vaccinations and despite being an actual hermit, I still caught it somehow. Right before my birthday, too.

As you can imagine, this past week hasn't been very fun for me. To make matters worse, now there's no more time left in October for me to work on any art. I'm still not fully recovered either, and I don't know how long it will take for me to stop getting fatigued incredibly quickly.

At this point, I think it's best to suspend payments for the month of November so I can work on as much of my backlog as possible without adding more to it. In the best case scenario, I'll be able to get back to things next week and zoom through all this stuff quickly, but it's entirely possible it won't be that convenient, so I want to give myself as much headroom as possible.

I'm very sorry about the inconvenience. Here's hoping for a better December. >.<

Rosie rollin' out!


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