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Hello everyone,

I apologize for the lower frequency of updates this month, particularly when it comes to drawings tied to Patreon rewards (i.e. Yearbook requests and the Monthly Damsel).

The truth is, for a good chunk of this month my drawing arm has been intermittently hurting really badly when I try to draw, and I still don't know the cause of this. Trying to draw anyway has made some work absolutely miserable, not to mention it's probably a bad idea to do so in case I injure myself.

Compounding that, I took a break recently for mental health reasons. I had hoped that this would have the convenient side effect of letting whatever is happening to my arm heal, but when I started back up, the pain came right back. The strangest thing is that it ONLY happens when drawing--I spent a lot of that week playing video games to relax and I felt no pain at all.

I have a doctor's appointment, but unfortunately it's not until next week on Friday, so it's taking a frustratingly long time to get answers. Until then, I just won't be able to draw unless it miraculously fixes itself.

I've considered suspending payments for September, as I won't be able to complete the rest of this month's planned work in the expected time, but hopefully the doctor's appointment will give me some answers, and perhaps I'll be able to get to work quickly. Because of that, I've decided to hold off on suspending payments for now--if I end up having a really bad backlog because of this later on, I may suspend payments for October instead.

Again, I apologize for how this has delayed everything. I'm going to do my best to keep you all in the loop.



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