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EDIT 2: Submissions are now closed.

EDIT: OKAY SO. Apparently even if I just set a post to be visible to all patrons, it somehow doesn't work if you don't have a tier, which ruins everything. So I'm setting the post to public, but obviously I will still only accept submissions from patrons. Original post follows below!



Since the Patreon is reopening next month, it's time for another character suggestion thread! Normally this is for $10+ patrons, but because of some dumbness on my end I can't limit this post properly--so what the hell, why not let everyone suggest a character this time as a celebration of the reopening?

How does it work?
To submit a character, reply to this post with the character's name, origin and one or more reference pictures. You have until the end of June to submit characters.

I may reject a submission for any or no reason at all, but please observe the following rules to make things easier on everyone:

  • You may submit ONE character per month
  • Characters may not appear underage
  • OCs are allowed, IF they belong to you or me. If the OC belongs to you, then by submitting them you give me an indefinite license to use the resulting art for commercial purposes (e.g. making the variants available on Patreon and selling them on Gumroad). OCs belonging to a third party are NOT allowed.

These rules may be altered or expanded at any time.

Please enjoy submitting characters! I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. ^.^


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