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Oi folks, 

just wanna give a quick update on things now.

Tracking solution for paid packs

The bot for this is still in the making (I'm not actually the one who makes it since I know someone who does a much better job at this kinda thing than I would) and we're gonna see if we can get it ready for a test run within the next few days so I can go back to releasing updates for KappaPT and NostalgiaVX. I'll give a proper announcement on this once it works.

Potentially shifting content to my website

I've recently discovered that Patreon provides a plugin that'd allow me to integrate my patreon page with my website, which in turn would allow me to just post content and updates there instead of having this weird split between two pages while still allowing you guys to subscribe through patreon as usual with the different tiers and such. All you'd need to do then is just press a "Sign in with Patreon" button on my website to access stuff. This seems like a sensible way of making things a bit more tidy to me so I'll be looking into that and will let you people know once I've set things up accordingly.

Nostalgia Shader v4.0 Previews

Public previews for Nostalgia Shader v4.0 can now be found in the testing channel of my discord server (Link) since most of the pack is done by now so I decided to move on to public testing for an eventual release, which will hopefully be ready before the holidays.

Thats all i wanted to let you folks know for now, I'll prolly cover things a bit more extensively in the December Devblog soon so stay tuned for that.


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