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Oi folks, finally another update :p

- adjusted atmosphere coefficients (stronger ozone at sunset and slightly warmer overall outdoor lighting)
- internal buffer attachment stuff which might resolve some minor visual bugs
- corrected emission behavior with labPBR emitters (can now be properly disabled)
- added per pixel emission in the voxel volume (labPBR emitters can now properly light up larger areas)
- added nether support (WIP)

As always, enjoy the update




Shadows are not working properly (moving while i move, sun light getting through blocks, i keep getting in chat "open gl error 1282" and "invalid program shadow".


this shadow happens to me on 1.17.x with Optifine, and I don't think is supported yet for 1.17 - but is fine on 1.16.5, Optifine still a preview for now, other shaders also broken for this reason.


Yeah optifine for 1.17 is very much a work in progress currently so all we can do is wait for it to mature or for Iris to catch up