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Hello Pups!  My apologies for not posting in a while, but life events and also the new requirements from Patreon that adult content creators now have to submit state issued photo ID to verify that they are over 18 have combined to put a damper on my creative juju. 

I do sincerely appreciate those of you who have continued to support during the dry spell. ❤

Because I have reservations for sharing the required documents to confirm that I'm a 55 year old , I've had to make the tough decision to either discontinue the sight or switch it to a "safe for all" space.  I've chosen to go forward with the later.  

To that end, I will be removing all content that has any nudity or would be considered sexually explicit.  I will have to confirm if this also includes any cannabis related content.  Because the majority of my CAS content is more sexy than explicit, that category shouldn't have too much of an impact.

Moving forward: I will be sharing a much larger selection of Build Buy content with retexture options as I feel this will be a much safer category to keep "family friendly".  I will also be rewording my support tiers to reflect these changes.  I won't be altering the amounts, just changing any wording that might be misleading. 

These changes will be effective immediately.  I do appreciate your understanding for my decision to retool the page and my available collection.  If you have any concerns, please do comment below and I'll be happy to address them.




Hey pups! I appreciate the support and I may start putting anything I design as explicit over there. I'm currently still working with Patreon to see where the 18+ standards apply. I'm making assumptions that anything similar to the old Donkey D shorts and shampoo challenge will not make the cut but an above average bulge that doesn't look erect should be good to go.


Glad to see your post. I hope you will find a way to share your CAS bottom items(here or anywhere else). They're a game changer for me and I really hope I can see more of that in future(speaking of which, I would love to see some skinny jeans or very short shorts. I know you mostly reuse in game meshes, but I thought you may use some female CAS and adjust as you usually do?) . Anyway, whatever you decide to share here I'm pretty sure will be great! Take care!