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I wanted to get this to everyone before the month got to further along. I am bundling this one as a tray zip file so all the new custom content is here. I may be repacking it as a stuff pack with some of my pride clothing for a new $10 tier for early access to stuff packs. Just a thought. I'm considering this for all of the big content dumps coming up, so I don't mind hearing your opinion on the matter. I'm sort of using this as a "rebranding" opportunity to see how I can grow my page to the next level. 

I am including the Gallery shot so you can see the Packs necessary for the lot to build as seen.

Remember, this is not comprehensive of the items I have retextured. I know for a fact that the sails are Island Living and I don't see the pack listed even though the clone should trigger that. Dunno. If you have an issue with one of the files, that is most likely the problem. I'm a pack junky and I make no apologies for it. 

I hope this lot brings you hours of Prideful gameplay.



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