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Hello all you wonderful, supportive patrons.

I want to start out with a massive thank you to everyone who has supported us here, past and present. Your patience, understanding and generosity mean the world to me. They are not something I want to take advantage of.

Adam and I have experimented a lot on how best to present this title, and the results have been...uneven, to be honest. "Paying work comes first" and all that jazz. We've come to realize after all these years that Drogune is simply too big to pick away at bit by bit. We need to do this in one go and present it as a complete project. That's going to take a lot of time and a lot of work.

How we go about that is still being hammered out, but we don't feel right taking your donations when we have nothing to show for it. So we're being up-front here and now: updates are done. The next thing you see from us will be the final book. (Nordastra willing...)

There is a chance we'll be launching a KickStarter. In that event, I've saved logs of everyone who has supported us over the years and will count your contributions to any reward tiers we come up with. If we don't go that route, we'll think of something else. Saying "thank you" here isn't good enough for me.

Before we shut the doors, we have one last piece of gift art to thank you for your support, as well as clean and raw versions of the headshot used for the news announcement. I'll be leaving the Patreon running for a bit to make sure everyone gets a chance to download everything they want to. 

And if you don't cancel? Well...I don't know how to handle that level of loyalty and generosity. Be assured your support will go towards production of the book.

Thank you so much once again for helping support us. We hope to have news for you in the coming months.

Be safe, be well, and take care!

Ian & Adam




I have really enjoyed this comic. I will look forward to a physical copy in my hands on some future date. I will definitely support a Kickstarter if/when it happens. Thank you both for making this comic as awesome as it is while still working on "main" projects. I can't wait to see the finished product.


Thank you all for your kind words, here and elsewhere, as well as your continued support. We'll do our best, and hopefully have news for you before too long!