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1.24.0 is still not complete, but I didn't want to let you guys wait too long, so here's a new build.

There's a new major (more or less) feature: Blended scene changes! This means that instead of duplicating the last frame of the previous scene, Flowframes will now fade the previous scene into the new one which looks a lot cleaner than trying to interpolate it.

This is disabled by default for now (as it needs some extra processing time, roughly 500ms per scene change) but can be enabled in Settings -> Interpolation -> Scene Change Fix Mode.

Then there's a bugfix that fixes the next-to-last frame not being detected as a scene change even if there is one.

Full changelog on Discord and in Flowframes.

The in-app updater will still say that 1.23.4 is the latest version as this is an incomplete Pre-Release.

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