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The very first build of the Maiden project is here!

Currently, it's still just an animation player which would be used for all the lewds to come. Story bits would be added in the next build.
Also still not revealing the full title till then, but at least you now know her name (>ᴗ•) !

In the animation player, you can cum *infinitely* to keep covering her up!
You can also switch between clothed and unclothed to reveal her booba.
Also press ESC to bring out the controls menu.

Only PC and linux build for now:

PS. As this is the very first build, the animation player still isn't perfect. You still might encounter some bugs.



Zex Asher

Holy Maiden cutie! I'm super down for more shortstack paizuri!


You make the best paizuri scenes plus all your characters are just the most adorable things ever 🥰


Absolutely peak, I love the new game controls. Can't wait for the rest of it to come out.