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Hey everyone,

I wanted to have a chat today about where the game is heading. One big reason I switched over to Unreal is because of its fantastic 3D rendering capabilities. I mean, it'd be a real shame not to dive into 3D when working with Unreal.

I'm trying to blend together the vibes of a Visual Novel with a mix of 2D and 3D elements. My goal is to stylize the 3D visuals, moving away from hyper-realism and syncing them up more closely with the 2D illustrations.

I've put together the first test build, and you can check it out through the link below. Quick heads-up, tho: this version is mainly for testing performance and giving you a taste of the scene's key visuals.


In terms of areas requiring refinement:

- Performance is a bit shaky right now, clocking in at around 25-35 fps on my computer. I'm aiming for at least 40 fps, so optimization is a top priority.

- The skin texture isn't quite there yet. I initially painted it by hand in Blender, but that turned out to be a less-than-ideal tool for the job. So, I kind of rushed it to get it done. I've got Substance Painter now, and I'm learning it. Next month, I'll be revisiting the texture to make it better.

- Boob physics: I used a Spring Controller for a quick prototype, but that technique's pretty much outdated. Moving forward, I'll be using UE Physics Assets and Soft Body for some much-improved physics.

- Legs IK: Since I retargeted animations from MMD to my character and my model uses Epic Bones, there are some inaccuracies – feet floating in the air or sinking through the ground.. I'm planning on fixing this with IK.

- Joints are being a bit finicky, especially with bending and twisting. While Blender uses Dual Quaternion and shape keys to sort them out, Unreal doesn't support it so it must be done with other hacks. I skipped the old hacky method this time because Unreal's new tech: ML Deformer might just be the solution. So I'd like to give that a shot first before going back to the hacky ways if needed.

- And ofc there're many more that's needed to be improved.

So, looking ahead, here's what's my plan for the next month:

- Dialogue system – can't have a game without that.

- Making some 3D porn scenes – it's a must, otherwise everything's pointless lol.

That's all for the moment. If you come across any issues or have suggestions, do let me know. Your support means a lot to me. Thank you so much!




This pinned link doesn't work anymore. >: The one farther down seems to from July.