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Hey ya'll!!

I'm so excited to update all of you on my plans for next year! First, I gotta lay the groundwork though. As you read from the title of this post, I'm going on HIATUS. For approximately the next two months until sometime in late February. I'm very excited for this time off though, because I'm MOVING!! FINALLY!!!~ :D

...So, to cut an EXTREMELY LONG and VERY COMPLEX story down to a couple sentences- I had the worst mental health crisis of my entire life up to this point this year. I've been slowly transitioning to be a more feminine person IRL for the past couple of years, and I've never been happier because of it! HOWEVER, some very specific members of my family are *not* down with the idea of me having long feminine hair and painted fingernails. On top of that, they're also not happy about my choice to do the whole PORNOGRAPHY thing for a living. Essentially, while I live here, I lack the IRL emotional support I need to live and continue doing this for a living. :'(

To make do, I've essentially been living a double life for a few years now. My majorly depressed and repressed mask-on IRL one where I placate southern Christian homophobes, and my happy-as-can-be online genderqueer persona with followers that love me more than some of the people IRL... It's a hell of a line to walk, and despite my best efforts, I've failed to make the two worlds see eye to eye. >:(

There was one point a couple of months back when this all came to a head after a particularly bad argument and I felt like I was truly dying for the first time in my life, but to spare you the details- I hopped ship and got out of there in the middle of the night one night. That caused EVEN MORE drama, but now I'm DONE. With all of it! I'm moving. Across the country. I'm getting as far away as I can, to a more accepting place that will be fine with me wearing a skirt in public. I just wanna be cute damnit!! >:'(

Despite how excited I am, I have to mention. This is a 60 hour road trip ahead of me. My longest drive ever was 10 hours, and I did that last week to visit the roommate I'm moving in with. It's a bit of a DAUNTING time in front of me, to say the least, but I have lots of stops where I'm gonna couch surf with friends til I'm there! It's gonna take me at least 2-3 weeks just for the road trip, and then another 2 weeks to get settled. :3

Why 2 WHOLE months? Well, considering how my online career has been the source of my happiness and also part of my family drama, I need a BREAK too, on top of the road trip. So, I'll be taking a vacation in February for some much needed rest.

Once MARCH comes around, I'll be relaunching my entire online profile with a rip-roaring start! Including the discord server, which will receive a much needed face-lift. o7

FUTURE PLANS (after my hiatus):

  • - Return to doing SEQUENCES & COMICS!
  • - Return of Patreon polls!
  • - Return of Patreon Request Streams!
  • - Return to a steady upload schedule!
  • - Fayne's big mega comic!
  • - Community events! Including games and competitions!
  • - LIVESTREAMING! (On twitch hopefully??)
  • - MORE IRL STUFF (I'm gonna start working out again!)

THIS ALL BEING SAID- I probably will still be making *some* spicy art, even while on hiatus. I'm taking my ipad with me, and I plan to draw whenever I can! I'm also hoping this time off will let my arm finally fully heal from the carpal tunnel (which is doing a lot better btw). It's mainly my shoulder giving me issue, but that's healing up swell now too! <:D

I'm planning on making a travel diary in the discord server as well, so check on that when you want any updates!~ :3

That's about it for now ya'll. Let me know if you have any questions! I'm always happy to answer. I'm so fucking excited to finally get back in the saddle, 2024 is gonna be the year of FANTERFANE, just you wait!!!


Oh, and if you want to help me through the move, some gas and chimken numget money would be nice >:3


Paypal Email: fanterfaneart@gmail.com

Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/fanterfane

Remeber, always prioritize your personal well-being before donating to a internet e-boy!! No pressure. :D



I'll be here waiting for ya return. Take your time and have a fun road trip.


Enjoy your break cutie! Can't wait to see what you cook up when you return!


So proud of you