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Heyo everybody!! Here's all the comms I did last week! Hope you enjoy!

There was no official announcement of these comm slots, so consider this your first official announcement after the initial test run! For more info, scroll to the bottom ^^

1. Commission for WakeyKun! Skater boi FtM of his OC Claire!

2. Profile Picture Commission for Madison!

3. Profile Picture Commission for JaneKitty!

4. Commission for Anon!

5. Commission for Swamoss51! Poodle TF of Kamilla! (Check discord for a fanmade colored version!)

6. Profile Picture Commission for Tyeff!

7. Commission for Juan Castellanos! Fayne has his life entangled with a woman's, and he can't even act like himself anymore!

8. Commission for CyberVee! FtM transformation where Crystal tries a boibathbomb!

SHOOOWEE that was a lot of em!! Worth it though. All done in one week if you can believe that. Overworked myself doing it though, my arm was out all this past week because of it. Which is why I'm gonna be streaming again this week, but with some big caveats!~

1. I'm taking breaks every hour, no matter what, to do stretches.
2. Maximum length of streams is going to be 8 hours, but with the option to go over to a maximum of 10 hours. Not doing another 15 hour stream lol

3. I'm going to try to be more efficient by using time saving tactics like CSP models as bases. Even though it pains me to trace them, it'll just make the process faster in some cases than searching for proper ref for hours.

Hopefully these measures make sure what happened last time doesn't happen again. I can't just sacrafice my health David Martinez style while heading straight to the top of Arasaka tower, as fun as it is to do. It's just not worth the consequences.

If you're interested in getting one of these extremely limited slots, you can fill out this form: https://forms.gle/1hiGTVbkbhBQjs827 and join stream! If luck goes your way, I'll choose yours from the pile and you'll get to watch me draw it if you're around! ^^

I'm planning on doing more streams over the next couple of months to make a bunch of money to move out soon. Hopefully it goes well! The economy is bleeding all of us dry slowly, so I really need to get ahead of this curve before it's too late. Otherwise, I'll never be able to afford moving out, and I honestly can't stand the idea of spending another year here.

That's all I wanna say here, let me know if ya'll have any questions! There will be another announcement tomorrow when I'm ready to start streaming. Aiming for about 4-5pm this time!~




Tonight's stream was cancelled, but I'll be trying again tomorrow ^^