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Heyo everyone! Time for the first poll in a few months! Sorry that I've not done one of these in awhile, been very busy between commissions, the YCH, personal projects, my vacation, and life in general! But, I've finally gotten home and can sit down and focus on what matters again! So, here's the poll for this month!

I had a few ideas for this month. One of which was the Grimace Shake meme, but I KNOW that would win no matter what if I put it on, so we'll skip that for now. It'd come out in like 2 months anyway if I did put it on here, and I don't really wanna stress over meme content this month. I do still wanna draw something with the meme, but if I do it'll be on my own time!

Without further ado, here are your options! Remember that you can vote more than once!

1. Fayne Smokey Courtesan Possession Corruption TF Sequence!

(Image is a reference/idea board for the concept)

I've been cooking this idea for awhile, ever since I saw some particular sequences and fashion that piqued my interest HARD. I wanna draw a sequence where Fayne gets possessed by a woman who turns into smoke, and forces him to breathe her in deeply! The fashion will be inspired by the right image, with a dress that makes her a dark Courtesan type. High class and sophisticated, but still corrupted and lewd! I'm not sure if it'll be TG or not yet, part of me wants to do an alt where it is, but we'll see!

2. Californication TF!

Now that I've been to California myself, (took a vacation in LA last month for my 24th birthday) I think I could definitely make some more even better California TF stuff! Not sure what I'd do at the moment, maybe more Cali-Fayne, a remake of the original sequence with my new California knowledge, or maybe Californifying another one of my OCs. Either way, I'm dreaming of Californication!~ 

3. Lemy Enn the Skinsuit Boi Sketchpage!

People have been begging me for ages to draw more Lemy, so if you guys want, I will! I don't really have a sequence or anything big and structured in mind, but I'd love to draw a bunch of sketches that show off his abilities! I can envision things like what happens when different people wear him, what happens when you put different things inside of him, and also some sketches to show off his shy and insecure personality!

4. Body Part Swap w/ Portals Sketch Page!

Remember that idea I had with swapping body parts with portals? Well I could develop it further by trying something new. Instead of a plot or other contrivances, why don't I just sketch a bunch of potential things I could do with this concept? I can envision things like body control, legs that sashay no matter what you do, hands that hold themselves femininely and tease you as you try to concentrate... Etc etc!

5. Gender Euphoric Femboy Feminization/Crossdressing Sequence!


I don't have any concept art for this, but I've learned a lot about crossdressing and presenting fem over the past year. It's been quite the hell of a journey, and I think I could use my experience to whip up with a new take on my standard forced feminization! One where the guy getting feminized really really wants it to happen to him, and the person doing it is just helping him become more himself! To put it simply, consensual forced feminization. I'm not sure it really counts as forced at that point, but I think I can still cook something up!

6. Cougar Fayne Possession Corruption Remake!

It's been a long time since we've seen Cougar Fayne, so how about some more! This is one of my most favorite sequences that I've ever made, so It'd be great to return to the concept and try my hand at remaking it. I've never remade a sequence before, so I'm not entirely sure what I'd do. Most likely, I'll just copy the layout of the original and change the design and render a bit. We'll see!



as a native Californian with a bimbo fetish, it's hard not to put a vote in there, but also fkin treat yourself with gender euphoric shit! it's a huge deal to be able to express yourself how you want to, to feel comfortable being and showing the world who you are~