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I knew these chapters would break you 😭

Trevor Barnes

Vegapunk’s message to Kuma at the end is top tier. I also love how in the page where he is running through his life, he stumbles after Ginny dies but is able to keep going after Bonney is born. His running also resembles the Nika pose too. His whole life he was dedicated to spreading joy and protecting the ones he loved and yet still at the end he wondered if he caused anyone else pain. It might be recency bias, but I have him as my second favorite character, only next to Luffy, who Kuma put his trust into. 😭 what a beautiful life he lived


Yeah... 1102 was pure agony. Best dad in One Piece, hands down.


Oda knew what he was doing when he gave the Paw Paw to the best Papa.

Charles Cantrell

"Wano is Peak." Oda: "We're just in the foothills. Wait until you see the actual peaks."

Ben Asay

Glad to see you made it home safe dude! 😎 COVID? Damn that's shitty Ruff.. get better soon 🤕

Ben Asay

Since losing my dad earlier this year this backstory has messed me up. When you got messed up at the end of 1102 I was right there with you. Oda is amazing at what he does.

Jonathan Matagiese

Since it’s been revealed that she’s a little girl, I’ve been loosing it every time she shows to either save Zoro or she’s stealing pizza or sneaking into marjeois that Oda has just been trolling us like he’s saying “here she’s right here omg how can you not see this is her?!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I’m half expecting her to be Pandaman

Jonathan Matagiese

I think if Saturn dies, Kizaru will say vegapunk is dead and let them escape with sentomaru too


Can you imagine Kuma's story in anime with dramatic music and voices? 💀

Soul Reaper

g5 luffy and kuma reinspiring Bonney to go g5 future


On the panel where luffy is eating you can see half of kizaru’s ramen bowl on the left side cutting into the border


well then, after the first twenty second of this video.. I have to say - get well soon, back up into a bed and get yourself comfy and a warm and tasty tea. I will now go back and watch your reaction

Vinay Puram

Daddy is here!


you know how dope it would be if as Kuma stands off at Saturn he says "I can't beat you but he can" he and Luffy switch places so he can escape with his daughter or maybe Kizaru if he doesn't stay out of it. also, I predict that dragon and them showing up at the end may help fight.


Hi ruff I got a question when will you react to episode 1089?


ho appena notato che mancano anche le reaction agli episodi di Enies Lobby. questo, insieme al fatto che non si possa avere una risposta da te, mi portano a disdire il rinnovo abbonamento purtroppo. proverò a vedere se su YouTube sono visibili per intero, altrimenti sarà comunque stato un bel viaggio fino a qui. in bocca al lupo!