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GRAB ONE PIECE STICKERS HERE ► ► https://shop.sortastupid.net/

Use code 'joyboy' for 10% off your entire order

We make these stickers in my house and it's been a labor of love to get this merch store launched and these One Piece stickers made. I have a TON of character designs getting made and I hope you all love em!



Yezzir my boy is back!!! Hope you enjoyed your week ✨ I’m so excited for you and the guys to react to the live action tomorrow


Another amazing chapter, hope you enjoyed your week Ruff, excited for you guys to react to the live action.


sorry to break it to you but this chapter came out today and the break is next week


Yeah it does but good to have you back and can't wait to see your guys reactions to the live action


I love that the end where Luffy tells Kizaru that the Strawhats are a hundred times stronger then last time is a callback to when Shakky was telling the strawhats that Rayleigh was a hundred times stronger than any of the Rookies back in Shabody.

Soul Reaper

1 kizaru and sentmaru is opposite of garp and kuzan kuzan took down his master 2 i feel like awaken kaku would be powerful enough to break the bubble and fight sanji


On the first color page, they have left out Robin yet again. This happened quite a few times. I wonder if it is intentional and has a deeper meaning behind it.


if Kaku doesn't break the bubble I hope it'll be a Lucci vs the Zorro and Sanji team up


i think it'll end up being Luffy vs. Kizaru. Zoro v Lucci and then Sanji vs. two vice admirals maybe Kaku but I think hes too hurt right now.