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Hello everyone! There are a few changes and updates I wanted to keep you all posted on in regards to the Pink Dog Pin Club and this Patreon, so please read!

September Patreon Packages
All Patreon Packages for September have been packaged and will be shipped out on Monday! The packages include the following:

Sticker Club - One Random Sticker
Solo Pin Club - Andromeda Pin and One Random Sticker
Double Pin Club - Andromeda Pin, Furrotrip Pin, and One Random Sticker

Any new Patrons that become part of our Patreon will receive these same rewards as long as they become a Patron before September 30th!

Show Your Stripes Kickstarter
The Show Your Stripes Kickstarter pins are the final item we are waiting on, and we guesstimate that the pins will be complete in the next week or two. We will be reviewing how the turn out, and making sure everything looks good before they're sent over to us.

With this, our Kickstarter shipping process should begin in no later than October as long as everything goes smoothly and arrives in time! We're excited to finally get everything shipped out and get the remainders listed on our site!

Anthro Northwest Themed Pins

ANW Themed pins will be up for pre-order sale this Tuesday! We are hoping to have these pins produced in time for the convention, but pre-order sales will help make this happen even faster, so for those interested in this pin, be sure to get it for pre-order! We will offer at-con pick up.

October Patreon Packages
Things are going to be a tad different in regards to Patreon packages for October. Because we do not have any new pins with us right now, we will be letting all Solo and Double Pin Club Patrons choose Show Your Stripes pins instead! This means that the Solo Pin Club can choose their Pride Tiger pin of choice, and the Double Pin Club can choose two Pride Tiger Pins of choice.

The choices are:
- Gay
- Lesbian
- Trans
- Bi
- Pan
- Ace
- Demi
- Polyam
- Nonbinary
- Genderfluid
- Genderqueer
- Agender
- Aromantic

We will be sending messages to all Patrons when the time comes to get all the packages ready so everyone can make their choices on which pins they want! The rest of our pins will be available on our store after Kickstarter packages and Patreon packages are shipped out.


Thank you all very much for reading this update! Let us know if you have any questions!



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