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Feels odd to say it, but we've now hit a full year of monthly sketchbooks! That's a whole lotta funny little drawings of varying quality and style. Definitely no regrets here though - I've honestly been really glad to have an excuse to do more personal art, and also occasionally try out ideas that aren't big enough (or are too niche) to justify a full poll prompt. Thanks for rolling with the changes to my Patreon format and pricing so I could make this happen; I hope it's been as enjoyable for you as it has for me!

Though despite all the extra practice I've gotten in the past year, one thing I have NOT improved much at is limiting myself and resisting the urge to colour/finish everything I draw, haha... as evidenced by this month's pack (that I am, admittedly, SUPER proud of) which features literally nothing but coloured and shaded drawings, lol. Even the Bonus Buny is in colour this time. It's just absolute chaos in here. There are no rules and I am bunstoppable.

(as always, there are captions if you click the images)


Bonus Buny #12 has learned how to accessorize.
been a while since I drew Mabel Able, and I also wanted to practice rendering sweat since I don't draw it much, so...
I gave Vivian a cute swimsuit, a sunhat, an alternative hairstyle, and a popsicle, cuz I think she deserves everything good in this world
oh no Isabelle that shipment wasn't pears it was actually Weird Fruit That Makes Your Tongue Inconveniently Large And Drooly! watch out!!
just wanted to practice some cel-shaded slime techniques since I often rely too heavily on blending and soft brushes
what if Soleil was sooooo small and Ellie's nuts were soooo big (her normal size). imagine the mayhem
Bonus Buny #12 has learned how to accessorize.