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Howdy folks! Just thought I'd make a little update text post here, since I got an email from Patreon today informing me that they're getting rid of the Goals feature on creator pages in about a week. I have no idea WHY they're doing that or what the intended benefit could possibly be, but oh well. That's just kinda how it goes around here.

I only have one stretch goal listed on my page, and since they're getting rid of the feature I figured I'd archive the description myself here:

"When I reach $850/month (USD) in total pledges, I'll run a special bonus poll for an animation prompt! And if it goes well, I'll likely do more in the future too!
I've been wanting to get back into animation for a while, especially to try animating NSFW subjects like transformation, but it takes a lot more time and effort than static art. So having a bit more financial security in regards to my monthly expenses would help me feel a lot more comfortable tackling a challenging project like that!"

I'm definitely still interested in honoring this once we reach the target amount of pledges, even if they got rid of the handy little progress bar on my page that let people know it's ongoing. (To be fair, it WAS kinda broken and would sometimes claim the goal was already met if your local currency was anything other than USD, but it was still nice to have as a visible indicator nonetheless.)

Anyways yeah, just wanted to put this here to reaffirm that I still wanna do this! It's a shame we couldn't quite hit the goal before they removed the feature (at the time of writing this, the total has been hovering around $715 for the past few months) but it's definitely within reach. We'll get there eventually regardless, and I'll probably make another update post when we're getting really close! Thank you for all your support in the meantime; it has directly made it SO much more feasible for me to take better care of myself while still regularly putting out art for you to enjoy.



That is a weird decision...


Heaven knows what amazing pieces youll keep making to boost that monthly pay