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We've arrived at that magical time of year already! No, not the holidays, I mean the time for me to release my last sketchbook pack of 2022! Time flies, huh?

It's been a pretty busy month for me as I've been scrambling to finish all my comms (and dealing with the hellscape of uncertainty and stress that a certain bird site buyer and a legion of smug techbros have turned the freelance artist experience into recently), but I still managed to do some fun personal art nonetheless! I was especially happy to cross a few things off my list that have been there for a while now, such as the Bisou Halo 2 Condom joke that I've been sitting on since early October. Hope there's something in here for you to enjoy as well!

(and as always, there are captions if you click the images)




Aaaaaa the Midna and Cherry are GREAT, the way you do lipples is S-tier 🥰