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"All the months are crude experiments, out of which the perfect September is made." - Virginia Woolf (or so the internet tells me, I couldn't find where she'd written this, but it's a wonderful quote so I'll take it regardless lolol)

All that to say...happy September, everyone!!!

As I missed August's Double Stream Days, I'd like to make up for them in September! We'll kick things off this week:
Double Stream Day #1 will be on Thursday the 7th @ 6:00pm CDT!
Double Stream Day #2 will be on Friday the 8th @ 10:15am CDT!
And the 3rd and 4th Double Stream Days will be in the back half of the month. I'll post up about them in a couple weeks. :)

I'm excited, not only to see and write with y'all (because it's been far too long), but also because this will give me some excellent practice for streaming more often!

One of my NaNoWriMo goals (I know, I know, it's so far away) is to stream every weekday, so long as the migraine monster allows. And I miiiight even be considering daily vlogs as well. I miss the fun insanity of writing feverishly in the mornings, vlogging, and then editing and putting a video out the same day.

Of course, I've learned over the past couple years that maybe the full 30 days is too crazy, too unsustainable. Perhaps just 22 then, Monday - Friday. Then I won't even dare look at my projects on Saturday and Sunday, only reading fun books allowed. 📚

That counts as progress, right? Lolol.

Anyways, I'll be tossing around these ideas over the coming months. But it's worth noting, this will be the first year in a WHILE that I plan on staying home for the entire month of November. No trips, no out-of-town family visits, NOTHING. I will be home and hunkered down, preferably with some hot cocoa and a cozy blanket, me and my stories bahaha.

(Then again, just before in October, I'll have been on a crazy roadtrip to visit my brothers, some writing friends, and doing some book research. So I'll need the recovery!!)

This brings me to some of my questions for y'all -- have you begun thinking about your NaNoWriMo goals or November calendar? Preptober is just around the bend, and I know some of y'all are fans of Preptember, even. 👀 That then leaves December left to finish off 2023 (!!!). Do you have any fun plans you're looking forward to between now and then? Concerts, shows, movies to see? New books being released? Hoping to beat your record from last year's NaNo? Hoping to take it easy and refill the well? LET ME KNOW.

Bringing it back to the present, to this very beautiful September, I do have goals that need finishing, projects that need wrapping, and celebrations that need throwing (for doing the first two things, lol). A non-comprehensive list:

  • I need to finish as much of Project Death as I can to give it to Jess on October 1st. (There will be vlogs for the mad dash. Just as recent, yet-to-be-published vlogs explain how, for the first time ever, I have OVERWRITTEN THIS STORY. A new conundrum for me bahaha.)
  • Complete my "pilot script in the month of August....but really the first 10 days of September" challenge, inspired by Becca and J.C.
  • Film the outro to the "short story stream writing experiment." It's the ONLY part I have left and that will be up for y'all soon bahaha. Just continuing its tradition of taking far too long. 🤣
  • Vlog the final week of my "summer writing semester," create a list of lessons learned, and make Autumn's Syllabi!
  • Muster the courage necessary to make new friends at in-person book club lolol

Let me know what your September goals are (and if you have any advice for making bookish, in-person friends, I am all ears)!

Hope to see y'all on Thursday and Friday. Until then, happy writing!! 


Derick Black

Going to be my first Nano. I have said I would do it in years past and something always comes up or I forgot until mid-month. Not this year! I have been working on a project for the last few years that was just stuck. I read Save the Cat and finally found what was wrong. Goal this Nano is to finish working back through the entire project to fix everything that has to be fixed, add 30-40k more words and finish the first draft.

Nancy Chen

Random question - do you keep a writer's notebook? I used to as a child but stopped doing so as an adult, but now I want to go back to it. I don't really find myself journaling, but keeping a writer's notebook has its appeals, like jotting down ideas or combining it with a commonplace book by jotting down quotes from books.